Ladies and gentlemen of the blogosphere, my birthday was yesterday! *plays party music in background* Happy birthday to me!! No, but seriously, I hate telling people it’s my birthday, so this is a big deal. At the same time, no one I know reads this blog, so I feel like I’m in the clear. I mean, I’m Charlotte Carmichael, an internet nobody! I get excited when I have one view of my page. I’m never going to be a Carrie Bradshaw, where people are waiting to read my next column. I’ve gotten used to the fact that I’m just another person writing my thoughts down. I’m just another millennial that feels unaccomplished and unhappy with my life, and feels the need to complain about my “problems”. But I digress.
A while ago I was looking at my previous posts, and I realized I’ve never actually said my age. I’ve always found a way around saying it. Why I did that, I have no idea! So guys and gals, I turned 26 years old yesterday. Phew, it feels so good to actually say it. But at the same time, I feel horrible saying how old I really am; I feel like I have too many “problems” for someone so young-ish, or that I care too much sometimes.
BUT ANYWAY! I’m 26 years old, and I see my birthday as my New Year’s celebration. So I make sort of resolutions. So what have I decided to do this year? I’m GLAD YOU ASKED! A few years ago, I said I wanted to stop wasting money, get an education, lose weight, etc. To be honest, all my goals are exactly the same. But one thing I also want to try is to be more social. I have a hard time keeping in touch with people, and I’ve recently been reconnecting with friends. I want to reconnect with people I haven’t spoken to in years. There’s no reason why I can’t keep friends for longer than a few months, or why I can’t be more than just Facebook friends. If I have to start traveling to make sure I see people, I might just do that. Plus, I get to cross things off my bucket list!!
My first stop is actually Washington, D.C.. As we speak, I am on a bus on the way to our beautiful national capital. I wanted to spend my birthday weekend away from the “beautiful” city I live in, and wanted to explore somewhere I hadn’t really been. There were some other ideas thrown in the ring, but my boss gave me this idea, and I never would’ve thought of it myself. So kudos to my boss!! And it just so happens, there are two wonderful young ladies that I met at a concert last year that live in Virginia, so it’s easy for me to see them. I can’t wait to spend time with them.
At the same time, I can’t wait to spend time exploring. I plan on exploring alone because unfortunately I did not have a special person to go with. There’s a guy that I’m kind of (actually super really) interested in, and while I had asked if he wanted to come with me, he was busy this weekend. So I’m going stag, and I’m not chasing him. But that’s a totally different blog post, one for a much later day.
Well readers of the blogosphere, I know this is a relatively short post, but I thought I would have more to say. I didn’t, but I know I should post more often, so here it is! Until next time - I’m Charlotte Carmichael, and thanks for reading! :-)
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