Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ted Mosby, Architect?

“Kids, this is the story of how I met your mother.”

I want there to be a day where my life comes to that, where my husband sits our kids down and we tell them the story of how we met.

The show How I Met Your Mother has been off the air for about half a year now (I think; this past year has been a big blur, and sometimes I can’t really tell where one event began and another ended). But I found it on Amazon Prime. All but the last season, but that is beside the point. So I rewatched the show. And I have to say, I connect with Ted so much more now that I’m an adult working in a big city with real bills and a partial real life.

Something really bothered me about the show though. It made love and life look so simple! I mean, Marshall was in law school, then had an internship, and then three other jobs. I mean, sure he was unemployed and sat around with no pants, but it seemed like the moment he was down on his luck, his life turned around and he got a job! Wait, I’m getting off topic. Love and life. Stick to the topic, Charlotte. Ok, what I wanted to get at was the fact that this show made dating look so easy. Am I doing it wrong then? Should I be getting hit on all the time, like Robin? Or should guys been staring at me as I walk by them and just have to stop to get my number? Should I be spending every night in a bar? Should I find a bar by my job, and get home late at night, losing sleep and productivity, just to find a date that will go nowhere after the first date?

I can’t even say I’m like Ted in his desperate attempt to find love and happiness in a world full of happy couples. I’m like Randy (for those of you that know who I’m talking about, I’m proud of you and thank you for knowing. For those of you who don’t, I’d explain, but I don’t want to spend the time telling you something you could just google. Here I’ll even help, just post this into google: randy how I met your mother). I honestly just want to fit in and have a legendary night without it being ruined by my stupid talking. Damn. I am pathetic.

I know it takes time and effort to find someone and work on relationships. But I feel like the universe is working against me on purpose. I believe in superstitions, did I do something to piss off the gods/a sentient being/ whatever is in charge of the universe? Is there a superstition that I broke that has to do with my love life? If there is and I broke it, shouldn’t it not count because I didn’t know about it?

That’s it for this post. Until next time – I’m Charlotte Carmichael and thanks for reading.

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