Friday, September 18, 2015

Summer Recap, I Guess

Hello everyone of the blogiverse!  Thanks for checking in and catching up! I know it's been a while, and I am so sorry about that. I have no excuse, except that I'm a very boring individual. Now that summer is almost officially over, I guess it’s time to give everyone an update on how my summer went.

My job has really been the same. I go to work, I make meetings, I cancel meetings, I make car appointments, and I print things out; same things I do on a normal day-to-day basis. In the middle of August, I finally got a nice break from it... sort of.

I went with my family to Florida for two weeks. While it was a fun time, I did have my emotional ups and downs. There are times when my father and I don’t get along, and that seemed to happen a lot over those two weeks. I spent the first week in silence because I got so mad at him. It seemed every time I would say something, It would be against what he was thinking, so I was wrong. While he never necessarily said that outright, it would be implied by his actions and his phrasing. I don’t think there was a night I didn't get upset over his words.

The great thing that came from the trip was the fact that I didn't really have to worry about work. I got the occasional email that I would have to answer, but nothing that couldn't have waited until I got back.

Other than that, I just relaxed by the pool, went to Disney World, and had an overall good time.
I really guess that’s it then for my update. Not much else happened. I’m still single, still unhappy, and still worried about everything, but I’m hoping some things will change very soon. I don’t know what exactly will change, but I guess I’m hoping something will.

That's it for this post. Until next time – I'm Charlotte Carmichael, and thanks for reading!

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