Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Some Great News!!!

I’m on a train in Spain. I seem to always find a time to write when I’m on transportation going from one long distance destination to another.

First and foremost, I’m in Spain. I went to Spain and celebrated New Year’s Eve and Day in a different country. That was an experience to say the least. Being in a new place with people you barely know - being part of a celebration that is basically revered all over the world - was something I never thought I would have experienced.

I feel like the month of December has been a whirlwind of events and happenings. Quite a few things happened that I feel you, readers of the blogiverse, should know. So let’s get to it!

Thanksgiving is dumb, but just before that, a guy I was talking to a few months back, decided to send me a message looking to catch up. I met this guy online in September (let us call him Andrew), and we had a lunch date at a sushi restaurant. It was a pretty good first date as dates go, but at the time, I had my heart set on the guy from Philadelphia (did I talk about him before? Now I don’t remember, and I’ll have to go back and take a look). I really wanted Philly and I to work out, so I didn’t want to try dating anyone else. So instead of flat out rejecting Andrew, I just let it kind of fizzle out. I can’t say I ghosted him, because I would always answer when he texted me, but when he asked me out a second time, I say I didn’t know when I would be free and would have to let him know. Eventually he stopped messaging me, and I honestly thought he was just going to be a failed almost boyfriend and new Facebook friend.

It was a nice surprise when Andrew randomly started talking to me again. By the time he messaged me, I had come to realize Philly was never gonna happen, so I figured, why not give this new guy a shot? I’ve got nothing to lose. We messaged. And messaged. And messaged. For three days straight, from 10 AM to 10 PM, we talked to each other. What we talked about, I don’t really remember. I believe when we started, we were talking about his ferret, which he had recently put to sleep because of cancer, but after that, we talked about anything and everything. The day after Thanksgiving, he told me he was going to a video game competition. He thought it sounded nerdy, but I thought it was cool, and when he asked if I wanted to go, I said yes. I imagined it would be a new experience, something that I might not ever do again, but at least I could say I went out of my comfort zone.

Andrew kissed me for the first time that night. We were sitting in his car before going in to the venue, and he looked at me from across the car. I could tell he wanted to kiss me the entire time we were in the car, so it was really great when he leaned over his console toward me and kissed me. I hadn’t had a good kiss in a long time. It seemed to be something I needed. He told me he had wanted to do that for a long time. As the night progressed, we would get closer and closer in the venue, and went outside every chance we could. We teased each other, but he kept saying he wanted to take things slow, he didn’t want to rush things. I admired that, but i still wanted to see how far I could take it.

During the competition, I met his friends, I hung out and watched people play video games, I talked to a couple of people myself. I was a nice time. We went out to eat with a whole group, and he drove some other people to the train station, and me home. I knew I liked this guy, and really wanted to show him. I won’t go into detail, but let me just tell you I didn’t go home until 3 AM.

Fast forward. Andrew and I have been hanging out, we’ve been on dates, I’ve been to his house and met some of his family, he’s been to mine and met my family. We were having a great time. He was invited to his friend’s baby shower, and asked if I wanted to be his date. I said I would love to be, and we went. I met more of his friends, a different set, and had a great time. That night, I slept over his house for the first time. It wasn’t this magical night, but I got to have sex before bed, and I got to have morning sex. It was an interesting feeling to say the least. It just sucked that I was sick.

We decided to spend the day in The City. He had kind of planned out an afternoon, but there was nothing definite. So we went to a place that we both would like - The Nintendo Store. While walking there, Andrew explained his overall plan. Before I knew the ending, I shot his idea down. He told me he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend while on a carriage ride. I don’t like carriage rides, which is ironic because I am the queen of cheesy love things. So we went to the store and he walked around and marveled, played video games, looked at the merchandise. As we’re walking around, I make a joke about being his Princess Peach. Andrew asked me if I really wanted to be his Princess, and I said yes. Ladies a gentlemen, readers of all ages, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! I have an amazing guy that makes my heart pound, that gives me goosebumps when I think about him, that likes me for me, and makes me feel truly loved (even though it is way too early to be saying the L-word just yet. I’m pretty sure I’m in love, but that is besides the point). I think about him when I wake up and I fall asleep with him on my mind.

I’m so afraid he is going to wake up one day and realize I’m not this great person that he says I am. I’m terrified he’s going to find some fault in me that he can’t live with, that I’m going to piss him off so much, or gross him out, or something that makes him “realize” I’m not worth the effort, and that he would be better off without me.

Man, this is surreal.

So after all this was said and done, I still had a trip to Spain booked. I was still going to spend New Year’s in a foreign country. The main difference was that when people started talking about their boyfriends, I could actually input. I didn’t have to worry about what I looked like, I wasn’t looking for any hookups, and I wasn’t looking to snag myself a cute Spaniard. I could message someone every night that wasn’t a family member before bed and know that Andrew was thinking about me.

There is so much going on for this trip, that to start explaining everything would be too much. I think I’ll wait for the next post (and the end of the trip) to talk about the amazingness that was Barcelona, that will be Madrid, Granada, Seville and Malaga. I can’t wait to see what’s in store.

That’s it for this post. Until next time - I’m Charlotte Carmichael and thanks for reading!

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